How to Build Your Wellness Routine: 9 Expert-Backed Tips & Tools
How to Build Your Wellness Routine: 9 Expert-Backed Tips & Tools
Author: Emily Grochowski, Certified Functional & Integrative Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
If you focus on slowly integrating small, step-wise healthy habits, building a consistent and sustainable wellness routine may be much easier than you think. Review the following suggestions to help you set a course for high impact success.
1. Identify what matters to you most
Set aside at least 10 minutes to sit down and write out 2-4 lifestyle goals that are especially important to you right now. Then, as honestly as possible, make two lists — one that includes some of the practices/routines you are currently engaging in to reach those goals, and another list of practices/routines that may be counterproductive or neutral.
Taking the time to create and organize these lists will give you an excellent visual representation of the changes you’d like to prioritize, while also giving you an opportunity to recognize what progress you may have already made. Having a clear roadmap and acknowledging your progress/successes as you go is extremely helpful for staying motivated and focused.
2. Focus on foundations
While many products promise fast, one-size-fits-all solutions, intentionally choosing personalized tactics and tools is much more likely to provide more effective, long-lasting results. As you build your wellness routine, consider foundational aspects of health like sleep, relaxation, hydration, nutrition, physical activity, and opportunities for social connection. Sticking to habits that reinforce these foundations of wellness are more likely to give you a high return on your precious time and energy investments.
Each time you come up with a new habit you want to build, ask yourself: Which core health pillar does this habit support? If it easily supports one or more of the foundations of wellness, it’s a good bet that you’re headed in the right direction!
3. Prioritize and schedule
Once you have your list of supportive habits/practices, take a deep dive into your calendar and start scheduling them into your life. This practice will not only help you stay consistent, but may also help you reduce stress as you discover which habits fit best into which time frames.
For example, you may find that after a couple of weeks of trying a morning yoga routine, you struggle to wake up on time — given this finding, you can then adjust your habit to a more conducive time like after work or before bed.
4. Use SMART goals to build momentum
While it can be very tempting to dive into the deep end and try making lots of huge changes all at once, do yourself a massive favor by starting with the habits that seem easiest and ideally will be the most enjoyable. Beginning with the lowest hanging fruit can be very helpful in building momentum, as it’s always easier to maintain a habit that you look forward to. As you build motivation and confidence, you will likely be more successful in adding more challenging practices.
Remember: Where do you want to be in 6 months and 1 year from now? Focusing on slow, steady growth — allowing mistakes along the way — is one of the most important parts of creating sustainable habits and lifestyle change.
5. Build on past success
Think about a few wellness habits you’ve already successfully integrated into your daily schedule. Then, consider ways you might attach or stack a new desired habit into your established routine.
For instance, if you’ve already created the habit of eating breakfast every day, you could try leveling up your usual milk and granola by swapping out the milk for protein-rich Greek yogurt and/or adding nutrient-dense sprouted almonds, chia, or sprouted pumpkin seeds.
6. Seek joy and connection
Since another core ingredient for maintaining routines is enjoyment, do your best to get creative and seek ways to make your new habits as enjoyable as possible. For example, research consistently shows that people who choose exercise options they enjoy (which may not be gym-based or other traditional “workouts”) tend to be significantly more consistent than those who prioritize other factors like weight loss.
Finding ways to build community and include loved ones in your routines is also an excellent way to support consistency and enjoyment. For instance, say you are looking to spend more quality, screen-free time with your partner and would also like to get more movement. Consider heading out after dinner with a nice soothing mug of tea for a short after dinner stroll.
7. Infuse variety and sensory experiences
While consistency is critical for achieving your wellness goals, it’s also helpful to make sure that you incorporate enough variety to avoid burnout and boredom. To do this, consider using the transition of the seasons to integrate a new activity, location, scent, flavor, or texture into your routine.
For example, in fall and winter, you might focus on hydrating with warming spiced herbal teas, while in warmer months you might sip on refreshing electrolyte-infused mocktails.
8. Organize environments for success
Another helpful tip is to intentionally rearrange your home and work spaces such that the items you need to accomplish your routines are highly accessible and top of mind (and conversely removing/minimizing those items that might thwart your efforts).
For instance:
Consider a well-placed interactive white board, calendar, or other visual reminder so you can see and celebrate your routines (who doesn’t love a gold star?)
Keep water bottles or tea mugs around your work station, in your car, and on the nightstand can help you stay hydrated
To help you more consistently take your supplements, place shelf-stable ones in the bathroom where you’ll see them before brushing and flossing your teeth
Place calming herbal teas or your favorite golden milk latte mix where you might otherwise stash a bottle of wine or hard alcohol
Keep shelf-stable, high-quality protein bars or protein-rich nuts in your purse or backpack to keep yourself satiated when cravings arrive or meal plans get delayed
Store treats and other tempting items in the freezer or out of sight to reduce the temptation of unintentional snacking
Position your yoga mat next to your bed or walking shoes near the door to encourage your morning movement practice
9. Eat with the seasons
While many people find consistent weekly meal planning a daunting task, instead, consider setting aside a time each season to make a 2-4 week meal plan. Creating a spreadsheet or notebook with your favorite meal ideas for every season may sound tedious, but once you’ve collected and organized your formal recipes and meal ideas, you will be all set to rinse and repeat these plans week after week and even year after year.
This strategy not only makes achieving nutrition-related-goals significantly more sustainable, but will also likely save you a significant amount of precious time, energy, and money on meal planning, groceries, and meal prep. Cooking for more than one? Get your household involved in the meal idea and recipe brainstorming portion of the seasonal meal planning to further reduce the work for you and increase the likelihood that everyone will enjoy happier, more relaxed, and balanced meal routines together.
Emily Grochowski (MSN, RDN, CD (WA), CLT, CFIN) is a Certified Functional & Integrative Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from UW-Madison and Master of Science in Nutrition from Bastyr University. She practices evidence-based, personalized, holistic medical nutrition therapy at the Institute of Complementary Medicine.
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